
Information for:

Call for Abstract  & Poster Presentation

The Africa Smart and Sustainable Cities Investment Summit (ASCIS2023) welcomes you to submit abstract/poster submissions for the upcoming summit themed “Leadership for Smart Cities: Investing in Inclusive and Sustainable Cities of the Future.”

Researchers, Students, and Professionals from public and private institutions as well as industry are encouraged to submit their findings, ongoing research with preliminary results, and recent published results.

All abstracts and posters must be submitted electronically, using this online form.


The objective of the abstract and poster session is to foster research, identify problems related to smart cities in Africa and propose innovative solutions or some smart city-related projects.

The abstract proposal should explain the topic, describe the background and rationale, design and methods, results and conclusion.

Accepted abstract and poster presenters must register for the summit and be present. The program will include oral presentations of abstracts and educational posters.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts will be reviewed and scored by the Scientific Tracks Leads  prior to the summit, based on:

  1. Presenting Author Consent:
    1. The presenting authors must obtain consent from all co-authors before submitting the abstract.
    2. Consent should be in the form of written acknowledgement from all co-authors, confirming their participation and agreement to present the work.
  2. Originality of Work:
    1. The abstract should contain original content. At least the data or applied methodology should be original.
    2. Plagiarism or the submission of previously published work is strictly prohibited.
  3. Clear Description of Abstract:
    1. The abstract should not exceed more than 500 words.
    2. It should clearly describe the following:
      1. The specific topic to be presented.
      2. The highlighted arguments or key points of the presentation.
      3. The type of evidence provided, which can include technical experiments, empirical analysis, case studies, or other approaches.
      4. Finally, it should demonstrate a clear contribution to the Africa Smart and Sustainable Investment Summit.
  4. Selection Criteria:
    1. The above parameters will be used as initial criteria for selecting the most suitable abstracts from the submissions.
    2. Abstracts that meet these guidelines and demonstrate a strong contribution to the Africa Smart and Sustainable Investment Summit will have a higher chance of acceptance.

Poster Submission Guidelines:

Poster sessions provide an opportunity for public, private institutions, students and researchers to present and discuss their ongoing research or projects.

  1. Presenting authors and all posters must be available for display throughout the summit.
  2. Demonstration of technology, models, projects, programs, initiatives and handouts may be components of poster presentations.
  3. Advertising of products is prohibited.
  4. Copyright Reserved Material: It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that any part of the poster (figures, tables, images, etc.) is free of any third-party right and/or cited correctly.
  5. Colours: Colours should be used sparingly. Choose colour combinations that make your text easy to read (avoid red and green).
  6. Format: Electronic posters should be prepared and sent in 9:16, Portrait, 200 DPI and will be accepted in PDF (*.pdf) format.
  7. Selection Criteria: A limited number of posters will be selected for oral presentation. Posters that meet these guidelines and demonstrate a strong contribution to the Africa Smart and Sustainable Investment Summit will have a higher chance of acceptance. Regardless of the selection for oral presentation, all presenters will be assigned a designated time for discussion of their posters with delegates.
  8. Contact information: Include your name, institutional affiliation, country, contact number and email address on the last slide of your presentation.


  • Awards for the best Abstract and Poster presentation.
  • Free entry to the summit.
  • Free exhibition booths.

Thematic areas:

  • Sustainable energy supply
  • Affordable housing
  • PPPs and Investment
  • Construction technology and building materials
  • Transportation and access to urban services
  • Sharing economy (rides, rooms, facilities)

  • Beating traffic and pollution

  • Affordable Housing

  • Green Building

  • Smart Living: citizen services, health, education

    • Sustainable water resources management.
    • Waste: reduce, reuse, recycle
    • Tackling air pollution
    • e-Government, citizen participation, services
    • Connectivity, Commerce.
    • Innovation and jobs of the future
    • Disaster preparedness & resilience
    • Smart urban agriculture and food systems

    • Nature-based solutions

  1. Exhibition

    Posters will be exhibited during the summit. Posters may only be presented in a backboard panel (hard-copy poster) format. Presenting authors must be in front of their poster to present to summit attendees.

    A complete schedule will be provided.

Key Dates:
Abstract and Posters submission opens:19 July 2023
Abstract and Posters submission Deadline:20 August 2023
Abstract evaluation and notification to the authors:25 August 2023
Summit Dates:6th – 8th September 2023
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  1. Contact Information

    If you have any questions regarding the Scientific program, please feel free to contact us through
    Email at: scientificprogram@dalagroup.africa. Contact Person: Rene Kabalisa, PhD

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